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Friday, June 17, 2016


Who is ‘Lanalouie’?
Hello! My name is Lana. I’m originally from Indonesia. I'm blog designer, content writer and creative entrepreneur behind my studio.

How can you afford to travel?
Blogging is my daily activity. I am sometimes in front of the camera, sometimes behind the camera, always behind my laptop, and always having the time of my life doing what I love and loving what I do.

Who do you travel with?
I travel with my husband.
Who takes your photos?
When I travel, I ask people to take a photo for me. I have never been a shy person so asking people to lend a hand has never phased me! Plus it’s a nice way to meet people.
What Camera do you use?
My main camera I use for every day use is an Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 5G.

How can I become a travel & lifestyle blogger?
Start a blog – It’s really that simple! For so long before my blog became ‘known’ to people around the world I was writing about my travels and escapades. I once read (by someone in the travel industry) that you should write for free for as long as it takes until people are willing to pay a price for you to do it. One very happy day that time came and since then I have been fortunate enough to call this my career. While it may not seem possible looking from the outside in, I can certainly say that anything seems impossible until it is done. Anyone can be a travel & lifestyle blogger – it just takes time, perseverance and perfecting your craft, to make it your career. 
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Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to comment.
If you have a question, I will respond as soon as I can.

Dont be afraid to shoot me an email! If you have a blog, I will pop on by :)

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